Monday, November 30, 2015

A Kandinsky Copycat

A couple of weeks ago each art student contributed a 6"x 6" piece of canvas to be used in a huge collaborative art piece!  I have featured the abstract artist, Wassily Kandinsky, on my bulletin board and we finally had time to talk about him, his artwork, and mimic this painting titled Concentric Circles.

Here are some "in progress" pictures. . .









The students were limited on color on purpose.  I only gave them primary colors, black, and white.  If they wanted any other color, they had to mix it.  I could tell which ones paid attention when we covered color theory and which ones didn't :)

Here are some finished canvases. . .

I laid the canvases out on my desk to give me an idea of how they will look when mounted.  I think they look GREAT!   I will set to mounting them to produce one huge composition over the Christmas holidays.  Where it will be displayed????? No clue yet, but when it's up, I'll let you guys know!!
Have a great week :)
Mrs. J

Thursday, November 5, 2015

An Art Room Update . . .

Just a brief update on what the kids have been up to since the last post.  We started working on rodeo art and are coming to a close on those projects for a couple of weeks.  Many students made much progress, but I feel they are ready for a break and ready for something new to work on for a while.  Here are some of the works in progress:

We also have practiced using Value which you can see in this pic--top left

These are preliminary and by no means finished, but the kids are off to a good start!

Thanks for checking in!
Mrs. J