Friday, September 25, 2015

Wayne Thiebaud Inspired Compositions

Jr. High students learned a little about pop artist Wayne Thiebaud and his colorful works portraying common objects such as pastries, hot dogs, and ice cream.  

The kids started with a grid and, using the rule of thirds, arranged pieces of candy in what they deemed the most pleasing arrangement.  They then hot-glued the pieces to the grid, taped off a sheet of mixed-media paper, and drew their candy following the layout on their grid.  After coloring their candies (and eating them :) the students experimented with oil pastels.

Here is the process (somewhat). . .







 . . .the finished projects. . .

. . .and some close-ups

Overall, they were successful.  Some students loved working with the pastels, others will pass next time they're an option!  In the end, I think they all did a great job.

Thanks for stopping by!
Mrs. J

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