Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Matisse Mini-Sculptures

The junior high kids viewed a video over artist Henri Matisse in which they learned about his "drawing with scissors."  As a group activity, the kids studied the various shapes Matisse created and mimicked them.  They cut out a minimum of 20 shapes.  I then used the instructions from THIS post to complete the activity (we used watered down Elmer's glue rather than make a paste). As long as the kids followed instructions, their mini-sculptures turned out perfectly.  Here is the process in pictures:




Popping the balloons was a little too fun for the kids.  I promise no one was harmed!


Here's a little video of the 8th graders . . . They wanted it filmed in slo-mo and I am not a video expert by any means! Ignore the poor quality.

They really panicked when their sculptures seemed to crater as the balloon deflated.

Here are a few up close . . .

Students are working on their Jackson County Fair Art Projects.  More on that next time.  Thanks for stopping in!

Friday, September 9, 2016

Welcome Back!

It's been fast and furious in the art room so far this year.  Here are a few snapshots of what the kids have been up to. 

We started with all levels making portfolios for the year.  Here are a few samples. . .

Junior high students are working on a Matisse inspired project where they are "drawing with scissors."  I will post a separate article outlining the details with more pictures soon.

Art III students are incorporating random objects into sketches.  Their final objective is to create a digital photo album.  As with JH, there will be more of these pictures (videos too) to come. . .

Art I students are working on contour drawings with a focus on negative/positive space and value.

Art II students are working on a grid drawing--6 drawings revolving around a common theme.

Please check back regularly or sign up to get email alerts when there is a new post.  I'm also working on an Instagram account.  Once I figure it out, I will let you know!