Friday, September 9, 2016

Welcome Back!

It's been fast and furious in the art room so far this year.  Here are a few snapshots of what the kids have been up to. 

We started with all levels making portfolios for the year.  Here are a few samples. . .

Junior high students are working on a Matisse inspired project where they are "drawing with scissors."  I will post a separate article outlining the details with more pictures soon.

Art III students are incorporating random objects into sketches.  Their final objective is to create a digital photo album.  As with JH, there will be more of these pictures (videos too) to come. . .

Art I students are working on contour drawings with a focus on negative/positive space and value.

Art II students are working on a grid drawing--6 drawings revolving around a common theme.

Please check back regularly or sign up to get email alerts when there is a new post.  I'm also working on an Instagram account.  Once I figure it out, I will let you know!  

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