Friday, October 16, 2015

Chuck Close Portraits

I just noticed this never got posted!!!! Hence the date from waaaaaaayyyy back!!!!

After completing JCYF art and before starting HLSR art, the high school students learned a little about artist Chuck Close and worked on completing a self portrait in his style.  This lesson was found HERE and I tweaked it a bit :) I can't take credit for originality!

I began by printing an 8x12 picture of each student.  They then completed a contour drawing in sharpie on the photo and then traced it onto a clean sheet of paper.  After drawing a 1" grid over their picture, the students added patterns in all 88 squares!  Using a strict color scheme, students got to work and produced some pretty great portraits. 

Here's the visual process . . .



And here are the finished products!  Amazing!!  Can you find your student?

Some created intricate patterns . . .

AND  a few brave souls posed with their portraits :)

Thanks for checking in!
Mrs. J

Thursday, October 15, 2015

"Arm" Tattoos

Jr. High students began work on tattooing their "arms" soon after JCYF.  Students made a paper mache arm to use as a surface for tattooing.  Here's the visual process.

First, we wet strips of  plaster wrap and applied them to pool noodles or old water bottles.



It was a bit messy . . .

Once dried, students decorated them any way they wanted using sharpies.  Some chose patterns, others created/copied different things they liked.  They then added color with markers/sharpies.





And here are the finished products. . .




Some were very detailed, others colorful, some were both!  They stayed busy, quiet, cleaned up their messes and had fun!  I hope all future projects run as smoothly :)

.  Thanks for stopping by!
Mrs. J

Monday, October 5, 2015

Jackson County Youth Fair Art

For two weeks,  junior high and high school students have worked on various art projects for the JCYF.  Today, I spent the day stapling and nailing up their final projects.



 Judging is tomorrow.  Wish them luck and come on out to the BRC to view them up-close! 

Good Luck!!
Mrs. J