Thursday, February 11, 2016

Mixed Media Compositions

Senior, Cheryl H.

High School students have completed their mixed media pieces.  This project covered almost every  element of art (line, shape, color, value, and space) and almost every principle (emphasis, variety, balance, contrast, scale, harmony, and unity).  I won't get into how each element/principle is incorporated.  The finished products, I hope, can speak for me!

Here is the project in pictures!

Step one was to make a canvas.  Students tore up discarded library books and glued them onto pieces of  plastic board (recycled PVC sheets).  Some students ripped the pages, while others used regular or fancy scissors and cut shapes.



Step two was to create a grey-scale drawing of an object.  Students had to create at least 5 values.

The grey-scale pieces were spray glued onto the canvases and students began to draw their secondary objects (step 3).  For example, Mackenzie (below) has a grey-scale drawing of a teacup and her secondary object is a British telephone booth.  

For this part of the project, we talked about grouping things in odd numbers.  How an odd number in design is aesthetically pleasing to the eye (rule of threes).  Students also chose their neutral palate and one color for POP!

As students painted their secondary objects, they had to be careful to leave one unpainted to emphasis positive/negative space (contrast).

Here is Lindsey, laying down her neutral palate.  She used the page shapes as her pattern.

Mackenzie chose to create a specific pattern.

See her little telephone booth there in the pattern. :)

Here are all of the pieces displayed in the room (ignore the blinds and extension cord!):

  Here are some close-ups of some.  Note: some of these kids are independent study students and had a little free reign with their projects.

Mackenzie S.
Travis G.

Jacee B.

Aldert M.

Sonia M.

Julian B.
Hats off to a job well done!   

Junior high update coming soon!

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