Friday, May 20, 2016

So Long, Farewell, auf Wiedersehen, Good Night

Any Sound of Music fans out there??  Well, this isn't good night, but it is good-bye for the 2015-2016 school year.  It's been a busy year. . .productive . . .a learning experience for us all.  I thought I would publish one last post to show what we've been doing to close out the school year.  

High School spent the last couple of weeks working on Symbolic Self-Portraits.  To start with, we traced the kids' shadows onto a large sheet of paper (thanks to my old overhead I stashed).  Anyone else remember doing this in elementary?  Those black construction paper silhouettes?  Anyway, after tracing the profiles, the kids filled their heads with drawings of a variety of things (likes, dislikes, future goals, etc.) and added color.  Here are some of the results:







The junior high kids did something similar.  They created a summer bucket list.  The idea was to fill a sand bucket with things they want to do this summer.  Here are some of the results:




Thank you for visiting, and please check in next year to see what new things we get into in the art room!

Have a great summer!

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Pastel Fresco Secco

Sounds fancy, I know.  I found this art lesson while finishing up a final supplies order (gotta use up that money!!)

In every Blick catalog, there is a pull out section of ready to use art lessons in addition to lessons one can find on the web.  I found THIS project and thought to myself, I've got everything the kids need, it looks neat, we'll go for it! 

We followed all of the steps, including taking a tour of the Sistine Chapel for inspiration.  I don't have step by step photos, but I think I managed to get a picture of every student's work.  


One last close up

The kids are working on the last project for the year, so one more post for high school coming soon!