Monday, April 3, 2017

Monochromatic Paintings

  THIS lesson was a wonderful step by step introduction into monochromatic painting.  The steps were easy to follow and my Art II and III kids did GREAT!!!!    I was glad to integrate technology into this lesson and look forward to doing something similar in the future with all of my art classes.

All were on display in the room, but 
here are just a few of the finished products.  

All of these kids did an amazing job! I think this lesson is a keeper!

Monday, February 27, 2017

Update #2--7th grade watercolor

*****I scheduled this to publish several weeks ago.  Not sure what happened!!!

7th graders worked on an abstract watercolor piece.  I used THESE instructions.  Not sure which way they were supposed to hang, but they're abstract, right?  Doesn't matter!!! 

This was a good, short lesson if you need a filler project for a few days.  

Again, I don't have any step by step photos, just the finished products.

Good job, 7th grade.

Friday, February 24, 2017

Update #1-Chuck Close Portraits, Art I

So Many Projects!!!!! and I haven't documented them as fully as I would have liked.  For the past six-weeks, 7th grade-12 grade art students have completed a couple of projects.  The first I will highlight this week are the Chuck Close portraits Art I students completed. 

I did this same project last year with all of high school. You can view pictures and maybe??? instructions HERE

Here are the finished products:

Next week, I will upload Art II and Art III 3D projects.  Stay Tuned :)

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Happy New Year!

Super short!

The end of last year found all art classes working on HLSR art, so I really didn't have too much to blog about, but did post a few pictures of artwork in progress to Instagram, so please follow thereddesk for more immediate images of what the kids are up to.  Gosh that was a long sentence . . . was it a sentence ???

 I will begin blogging more regularly now that we will be working on smaller and shorter projects.  

One project I actually completed was a collaborative piece my kids worked on LAST YEAR! Hope you enjoy seeing the end product as much as I do.

Thanks for hanging in there!  More to come in the upcoming weeks!