Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Architectural Letters

High School students have finished their architectural letters.  I used THIS lesson with a few tweaks--heavy poster-board instead of chipboard and masking tape instead of packing tape.  We also used up quite a few rolls of plaster wrap I had on hand for the surface instead of painting on a coat of gesso.  Here is the process in pictures:



Here are the finished products:

Pieces of broken mirror :0


Broken CDs

"C" is covered in Popsicle sticks

Now on to some less messy work:  Mixed media compositions.  Stay tuned!

Friday, January 22, 2016

Soft Pastel Subs

Junior high students have finished their subway sandwiches!  The process was pretty simple and students got to try out a new medium--soft pastels.

After introducing the project we talked about thumbnail sketches and began there.  Students completed 10 thumbnail sketches of "foods" NOT usually found on a sandwich.

Next, students decided how to arrange their items and "built" a sloppy copy of their sandwich.

Creativity at it's finest!  I think next year this is what I will have the kids do!  Amazing what students can teach the teacher!

Using white colored pencils, students made an enlarged contour drawing of their sketches onto large black construction paper.  

Once the contour drawings were complete, students began coloring in using soft pastels.  They applied the pastels directly, used brushes, q-tips and even experimented with water, making a paste. 

Here are some close-ups!

All of the sandwiches are posted outside of the art room.  Come take a look if you have an opportunity!

Monday, January 18, 2016

Houston Rodeo Art District Show

Last week, Ganado secondary art students participated in the HLSR District Art Show.  Here are their entries.

 Here are the finalists . . .

All of this artwork is on display in the Ganado I.S.D. Media Center.

The winners of the district show are . . . 
Best of Show high school, Sky

Gold Medal winner high school, Sonia
Best of Show junior high, Frida

These three pieces will be judged in Houston and be on display in the Hayloft Gallery, located in NRG Center.

Good job to all my students and good luck Sky, Sonia, and Frida!!
Mrs. J