Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Paper Bowls

Happy New Year!  

At the end of the fall semester, junior high kids completed their Houston Rodeo Art and had time to spare.  So . . . they worked on a couple of different projects; one of which was making a paper bowl.  

Step one involved cutting magazine pages in half and then folding them into strips.  It takes approximately 200 strips to get a 6" diameter bowl (2 magazines). That's A LOT of paper!!

In step two, the students tightly coiled the first strip.  Subsequent strips were then taped on and wrapped around the previous strip one at a time until they had a large puck (they look like a hockey puck to me!)

Once the puck was large enough, the student pushed it up in the middle to form a bowl shape.  Mod Podge was applied to the outside and inside of the bowl and it was left to dry.  

After 24-48 hours, the bowls were ready for the kids to take home.

Some pucks didn't quite make it to the bowl stage, so we turned them into Christmas trees!

Have a great week!
Mrs. J

P.S.  One more thing--the HLSR District Art show is Thursday, January 13th and is held this year in the Jackson County Services Building auditorium.  The public viewing time is 9:30-10:30 am.  

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