Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Avatar Portraits

Junior high students have finished working on their portraits!  After visiting the cartoonify website and creating an avatar of themselves, students began to draw and add value to their creations.  

 After printing two copies, students outlined one in sharpie.  Kids then turned the sharpie portrait over to expose the lines, placed clean drawing paper on top, and traced with pencil.  Using the second, clean avatar copy, students began to lay down color using a set of drawing pencils.  Their goal was to recreate as close to an exact replica of their avatar as possible--down to the highlights in the hair.  Here are the works in progress . . .

This is the avatar I used for my example

And here are the final results, including my example :0 ...

The kids did a fantastic job with this project.  Their skills at adding multiple values with just a couple of pencils, an eraser, and a blender have improved so much this year!  Very proud of these kiddos!  Good job!

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